QUALITY and RESPECT for the ENVIRONMENT are for Moebius Consulting an element that differentiates us and makes us recognizable in the consulting sector. In this way, the Management Moebius has a commitment, and with it the whole company, to the QUALITY and ENVIRONMENT and therefore has an Integrated Management System based on the ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 standards and applicable to the companies of Moebius Consulting and Moebius Barcelona with the scope: “National and international consulting and training services specialized in commercial and human resources areas.”
  • In Quality:

To know the expectations of our customers and other interested parties in order to deliver competitive products and services to their satisfaction.

2. Promotes a culture of innovation and development, continuously improving our products and services.

3. Promote the involvement of the company’s employees through information flow, internal communication, training, recognition of achievements and ongoing training. Our priorities are:

a) Seek to meet customer expectations above all other considerations.

b) Only participate in projects that we can carry out with results of excellence and 100% guarantee.

c) Based on our experience and knowledge, we detect the real needs of our customer and adapt our solutions to their needs.

  • In Environmental Matters:

Promote a culture of respect for the environment, ensuring its protection and conservation by focusing the Organization’s activities on:

1. Compliance with applicable environmental regulations, continuous improvement and pollution prevention.

2. Identify and evaluate consistently the environmental aspects inherent to the activities developed, in order to know their nature, magnitude and incidence.

3. To orient the actions to the good environmental behavior of the company and to comply with the commitments that may be subscribed.

4. Inform suppliers and subcontractors of the environmental and quality requirements inherent to the services provided, establishing means to ensure compliance.

Consequently, the Management calls upon the entire Moebius team to promote the spirit of this Policy in their workplaces, cooperating in the creation within the Organization of an atmosphere favorable to progress, the quality of our service and care for the environment. This will benefit us, our environment and the future of our company.

February 16, 2023